🫓What is a 1.5 Level Market?

Xshares.one primarily focuses on the sale and C2C transfer of private placement shares in the 1.5 Level Market.

What is a 1.5 Level Market? The 1.5 Level Market usually refers to a trading platform that exists between the traditional primary market (initial offering market) and secondary market (trading or circulating market). In this market, investors can trade assets that have been issued but are not yet circulating in the public market. This type of market is common for private equity, bonds, or other financial instruments that are not publicly traded.

Characteristics of the 1.5 Level Market include:

  • Limited Circulation: Assets have not yet been traded on the public market, thus have relatively low liquidity.

  • Non-Public Pricing: Transaction prices are not public and are negotiated between the buyer and seller.

  • Professional Investors: Typically open only to qualified investors or professional investors, with a higher barrier to entry.

  • Risk and Reward Profile: Due to its private and non-standardized nature, these markets may carry higher risks but also offer the potential for higher returns.

The 1.5 Level Market provides investors with a way to acquire assets outside of the traditional public markets, especially suitable for those seeking early-stage investment opportunities.

How does xshares.one facilitate circulation in the 1.5 Level Market? xshares provides circulation in the 1.5 Level Market through the following means:

  • Private Quota Market Platform: xshares.one has established a specific platform for investors to trade private equity or bond quotas that are not yet publicly listed. On this platform, asset holders can sell their private quotas to other investors.

  • C2C Matchmaking Transactions: xshares.one offers a C2C (customer-to-customer) matchmaking system, allowing buyers and sellers to contact and trade directly with each other, bypassing intermediaries.

  • Online Trading and Settlement System: To ensure the security and efficiency of transactions, xshares possesses an advanced online trading and settlement system to ensure smooth transaction processes and the safety of funds. (xshares is progressively improving this.)

  • Compliance and Transparency: xshares ensures that all transactions comply with relevant laws and regulations and provides a certain level of market transparency, such as by disclosing transaction information to assist buyers and sellers in making more informed decisions.

  • Professional Support and Advisory Services: xshares offers professional investment advice and support services to help investors understand market dynamics and make more appropriate investment decisions.

Overall, xshares, by establishing a specialized platform combined with an efficient matchmaking trading system and professional services, provides a circulation channel for assets in the 1.5 Level Market.
